Skin Classic
Non Laser Treatment
Minor Skin Imperfections
The Skin Classic is an affordable non-laser treatment for many superficial skin imperfections. Used only on the Epidermis, treatments are quick by touching the outer layer of the skin dehydrating the skin irregularities. Direct High Frequency can be a little uncomfortable, but many refer to as a “sting”. There is a bit of downtime but for most it is not a concern. Following the proper aftercare will insure a beautiful outcome.
Consultation-Skin Classic
$50 – 30min
*Required PRIOR to booking* Affordable Non Laser treatments are just for things like: skin tag, milia, sebaceous hyperplasia, acne, hyperpigmentation, keratosis, broken capillaries, cherry angiomas. Specific aftercare will be discussed and treatment area. It is important to understand, we DO NOT diagnose these irregularities, please consult with your physician to examine any spot that is questionable. All charges for the consultation will be applied towards your service total.
DPN "Dermatosis papulosa nigra" Treatment
$150 – 60min
Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) or (Morgan Freeman Spots) are common in people with skin of color. Dermatosis papulosa nigra is likely to be genetically determined with 40–50% of patients having a family history. It is believed to be due to a naevoid developmental defect of the hair follicle. Treatment choice include electrodessication, numbing cream and treatment is kept superficial to minimize the risk of complications. After care is included. *Full Face Treatment
Skin Tag Treatment
$50– 60min
(per skin tag)
A skin tag is a common soft harmless lesion that appears to hang off the skin. Skin tags develop in both men and women as they grow older. They are skin coloured or darker and range in size from 1mm to 5cm. They are most often found in the skin folds (eyelids, neck, armpits,) but can occur almost anywhere there is skin. Treatment includes numbing cream if needed and after care products. We only treat the face, neck, armpit and torso area.
Milia Treatment
$150 – 30min
A milium is a small cyst containing keratin (the skin protein); they are usually multiple and are then known as milia. These harmless cysts present as tiny pearly-white bumps just under the surface of the skin. Can be found around eyelids, cheeks and forehead. This treatment includes numbing cream if needed and after care products.
Cherry Angiomas Treatment
$75 – 30min
(includes entire face/neck area)
Cherry angiomas are very common in males and females of any age or race, with no difference in sexes or races affected. They are however more noticeable in white skin than in skin of color. Angioma describes a benign vascular skin lesion. Can be found on the torso, face, neck, arms and legs.
Seborrheic Keratosis Treatment
$75 – 60min
(per SK)
Seborrheic keratosis is a harmless warty spot that appears during adult life as a common sign of skin ageing. Some people have hundreds of them. They are usually painless and benign, but may become irritated and itch. They are typically located on the face, chest, shoulders, back or other areas. SK can be yellow, brown, black or flesh colored. This treatment included numbing cream and aftercare products.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia Treatment
$75– 30min
Sebaceous hyperplasia is the term used for enlarged sebaceous glands seen on the forehead or cheeks of the middle-aged and older people. Sebaceous hyperplasia appears as small yellow bumps up to 3 mm in diameter. Close inspection reveals a central hair follicle surrounded by yellowish lobules.
Broken Capillaries (Telangiectasia) Treatment
$125 – 30min
Telangiectasia is a condition in which there are visible small linear red blood vessels (broken capillaries). can be seen anywhere on the body, but most common on the face, nose, cheeks and chin. Treatment includes numbing cream if needed and aftercare treatment.
Full Back - Minor Skin Irregularities
$225 – 75min
This treatment includes any cherry angioma, black heads, flat hyperpigmentation, DPN's, Keratosis, skin tags and acne pimples. Numbing cream and aftercare products are included.